ATN Angels: Kenneth Frohock and Peg Kirby
In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children. by: Stephanie Reh Garde Our family is here today because of “Ken and Peg”. Kenneth Frohock and Peg Kirby, founders of the Attachment Institute […]
ATN Angel: Dr. Ken Huey

In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children. by: Sandy Davis I am nominating Dr. Ken Huey as an ATN Angel for so many reasons. I first met Ken years ago through […]
ATN Angels: Cindy McMurry, MaryBeth Storrow, Jenny Dew, Susan Woodruff
In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children. by: Toni Hoy While I parented two children of trauma, it never crossed my mind that my passion for helping them heal would lead […]
ATN Angel: Gail Trenberth
In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children. by: Nancy Spoolstra One of the FIRST angels related to attachment and trauma issues was Gail Trenberth. Gail founded the Attachment Disorder Parent Network […]