Calming Kit Sticker

Calm Kit Service Project a Success

On Sunday, February 20, over 100 educators attending the 5th Annual Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference in Houston assembled more than 500 Calm Kits to give to classrooms in the Houston area as well as to take back to their own school districts and share with other conference attendees.

The Service Project was open to any conference attendee and included collecting and assembling the components of the kit as well as learning about why each item was included in the kit and how to use them.  Sandra Lake, Ed.S., ATN Board Member and Jenna Lichter, Ph.D., ATN TSS Coordinator led this project that involved donations and participation from several sponsors as well.

“It’s challenging when hosting a conference, to take on this project-within-a-project,” reports Julie Beem, ATN’s Executive Director. “But we knew that getting these Calm Kits into the hands of teachers and those working directly with children was a worthwhile service and we were thrilled to find sponsors who felt the same. “

ATN’s Calm Kit was updated specifically for this project, with a “value-added” QR code that takes the recipient to a website where there are videos showing how to use the tools in the kit as well as resources on what is regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation and how to work on these skills with children.  These resources will continue to be expanded and enhanced.


A special thanks to the Teachers2B program at Lonestar Community College.  These student volunteers were an amazing and enthusiastic group to help keep materials organized and support the participants as kits were made.

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