ATN Angel: Bob Burroughs

In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children.

by:  Sheilah Davidson

Bob BurroughsI first met Bob when I picked him up for an ATN Board retreat in California. We had a long drive to the retreat site, and enjoyed an extended conversation. I learned he was the newly hired Education Director for CALO, a residential treatment center for adolescents. He was charged with developing an on-site curriculum for the center, which had previously used online resources to meet the educational needs of their residents. He was also the father of two grown adopted children.

Bob was my navigator on the trip, very calmly making sure that we stayed on track, while never missing a beat with our conversation. I soon learned that this was a key trait of his, staying calmly and deliberately on task while keeping very human connections. Bob can always be counted on to keep a level head, ask the right questions when exploring various avenues of action, and to add his own very wise perspective to the conversation. Bob also has an unusual  willingness to “swim upstream”, holding onto what may be an unpopular opinion at first, and often persuading others with his impeccable logic, sprinkled with humor.

I admire Bob for his willingness and ability to wade into new  sometimes uncharted waters and make meaningful contributions. I am also impressed with his ability to know his own limits, to set clear boundaries and say no when others may want him to say yes. I’m sure this served him well as a parent as well as an ATN Board member. Bob is stepping off the ATN Board when his term is up at the end of the year. Bob, I will miss you steadfastness, your keen analysis and your willingness to lend a hand. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your next adventure!

Can you think of someone who has been an ATN Angel? Join the celebration by sending us your nomination here:

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