ATN Angel: Michele Nigliazzo

In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children.

By:  Julie Beem

Michele NigliazzoFour years ago – August of 2012 – I attended the Nigliazzo Advocacy Center’s POWER Advocacy Training – and have been reaping the benefits ever since!  Michele Nigliazzo, the creator of that program, will probably be surprised to see herself recognized as an ATN Angel…but she definitely is!  Michele is a powerhouse herself – and she pulled together perhaps the strongest, most determined group of parents of traumatized children I’d ever met.  What we learned from Michele and each other still resonates in my ears!  The people I met at this small, but mighty, gathering still remain my friends, and I marvel at both their parenting and advocacy successes.

In addition to everything I learned, and the friends I made, ATN owes Michele a big THANK YOU for introducing me to Toni Hoy at that conference!  Toni has served as ATN’s Advocacy Director for the last three years – and I’ve watched her make be the voice for so many families and children across this country.

Michele – thank you for your efforts to gather and support parents becoming advocates!  You’ve made a difference!  And to me – you’re a true ATN Angel!

Can you think of someone who has been an ATN Angel? Join the celebration by sending us your nomination here:

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