In celebration of ATN’s 2016 Angels in Adoption award, we’re profiling ATN members who have helped ATN win the award — and who have themselves been Angels to families and children.
By: Lorraine Schneider

The first time I met Nancy Spoolstra, she threw her arms around me giving me a huge hug. She told me that it was going to be ok because I was now among friends that got it. She looked me in the eye and told me that I wasn’t crazy. At that moment, my life changed. She was right. I was going to be ok, I was among friends and I was just a little crazy.
I met Nancy about 12 years ago at an ATN conference. I walked into that conference as a scared, lonely, angry, defeated mom. Nancy welcomed me with open arms. Three days later, I walked out of that conference as an empowered, hopeful, cocooned-with-new-friends mom.
Nancy’s vision of an organization that supports parents riding this crazy RAD ride saved my sanity, my marriage, and my family. Without ATN, I know that my family would not be where we are today.
Nancy is definitely my ATN Angel!
Can you think of someone who has been an ATN Angel? Join the celebration by sending us your nomination here: