The Dynamics of Disruption
By Nancy Spoolstra, DVM Although there are several possible explanations for why an individual, a couple, or a family chooses to add an unrelated child to their home, in today’s modern society it usually boils down to one basic principle—the desire to parent a child or another child. Perhaps some are motivated more by altruistic […]
Signs of Attachment

There are countless lists and checklists available from a variety of sources, many of which are linked at the bottom of this page. Generally speaking… Children who are considered “at risk” for Attachment Disorder: Children who have been abandoned Children who have been abused (physical, sexual or emotional) Children who have been neglected. Children who […]
Trauma Resiliency Model/Community Resiliency Model (TRM/CRM)®

Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM)® Training is a program designed to teach skills to clinicians working with children and adults with traumatic stress reactions. TRM is a mind-body approach and focuses on the biological basis of trauma and the automatic, defensive ways that the human body responds when faced with perceived threats to self and others, […]
FASD/Pre-natal Substance Exposure
Tips for Adopting or Fostering Children Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol or Other Drugs 1. Work with informed professionals in quality adoption agencies. 2. Explore your feelings about alcohol and drug abuse, particularly among pregnant women. 3. Discuss the child’s background with your social worker so that you have a realistic picture of the birth parents’ […]
Life as a Parent

ATN members, led by Marc Deprey, wrote this open letter (and companion video). This letter is available for any parent of a traumatized child, or child with attachment issues, to download and share. Give this to family, friends, teachers – anyone interested in understanding the challenges you and your child are facing. The letter and […]
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Currently, Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is the diagnosis associated with attachment impairment. There is little research available as to the prevalence of this disorder, but there are thousands of children who have been impacted by trauma and exhibit many of the symptoms that are part of the definition below. Some children are diagnosed with PTSD […]

More information to come. Meanwhile, check out these links to learn more: EEG Info International Society for Neurofeedback and Research Neurofeedback at the Trauma Center Arleta James Blog on Neurofeedback an article by Sebern Fisher MA , an attachment therapist who successfully uses neurofeedback in her practice. Neurofeedback: A Treatment for Reactive Attachment Disorder
Developmental Trauma Disorder
In 2009, professionals researching and treating Complex Trauma in children proposed a new diagnosis of Developmental Trauma Disorder be included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual to capture the dysfunctions experienced by children and adolescents exposed to chronic traumatic stress. Some of these children did not meet the criteria for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), the disorder […]
How Trauma Disrupts Attachment
Having a healthy attachment to the primary caregiver as a young infant profoundly influences the child’s overall emotional health. When the infant has a need, expresses the need and the need is met by a loving caregiver over and over again, healthy attachment develops. A break in this attachment cycle ( visit Understanding Attachment to learn more) […]
How to Select a Therapist

ATN’s Official Policy on Treatment: ATN encourages all members to seek professional attachment & trauma therapy for their children. Information on this website or support from other ATN members cannot replace trauma-sensitive, attachment-focused therapy. We do not endorse specific therapists or treatment modalities. All parents should thoroughly research their options and ask for references. In […]