Happy 2024!  We’re back with some incredible trauma-informed, resilience-building books that we at the Attachment & Trauma Network would highly recommend you adding to your reading list.

These books run the gamut of purposes, audiences, and styles.  The one thing they have in common is they’re all based in solid trauma-informed theory and focused on building resiliency, relationship and regulation in children…and adults.

Your Amazing Brain (The Epic Illustrated Guide) by Jessica Sinarski, LPCMH.  The author of Riley the Brave has outdone herself with this valuable guide for exploring neuroscience and social-emotional learning with children ages 7 and up.  This book will equip parents and teachers alike with resilience-building tools to discuss how our brains operate emotionally and what we should each know about our brain “teams” and how they impact behaviors.  Get this one for your home…and another copy for your child’s school library!

Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors by Robyn Gobbel.  Robyn is a mental health professional who specializes in working with children (and their families) who have histories of trauma and toxic stress.  This book is a true reflection of Robyn’s brilliant connected style of supporting & educating parents (and all of us) in what children with big baffling behaviors need.  This book is at the top of our recommendations for parents starting the journey of parenting their children therapeutically. 

15-Minute Focus:  Regulation and Co-Regulation: Accessible Neuroscience and Connection Strategies that Bring Calm into the Classroom by Ginger Healy.  ATN proudly recommends this quick guide for counselors and educators at all level – written by our Program Director, Ginger!  This book is packed full of definitions and practical application ideas.  In fact, we’re sure you will learn so many things about the importance of regulation and how to provide co-regulation to your children, students and co-workers that this will become a favorite go-to resource.

The Myth of Normal by Dr. Gabor Mate.  We mentioned this book last year, but since then, we’ve actually read it.  It’s a long read, but SO very worth it!  You will never look at trauma – or society- the same way once you read this book.

Intentional Neuroplasticity by Lori Desautels, Ph.D.  This book is a must if you’re an educator on the journey from trauma-informed to trauma-responsive.  That journey goes right through the concepts of neuroplasticity and post-traumatic growth (both for students and adults).  And Dr. Desautels is just the educator to help guide you into the application of relational neuroscience. 

And there’s more…here are some books that will be published in 2024 that we can’t wait to read.  Keep an eye out for these (or pre-order them if you want).

Light Up the Learning Brain by Jessica Sinarski.  We at ATN know that those seeking to become more trauma-sensitive at our conference each year flock to Jessica’s workshop by this same name…because of her amazing wisdom.  Well educators, this is one to pre-order now or add to your summer reading list!  The book is available toward the end of January.

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Restorative Educator by Joe Brummer & Margaret Thorsborne is available for pre-order and coming in June.  Knowing how valuable Joe’s first book has been to helping create trauma-informed, restorative schools…we are sure this one will be even more valuable.  Both Joe and Margaret are amazing restorative practices experts, spanning two continents!

15-Minute Focus: Regulation and Co-Regulation Workbook: Accessible Neuroscience and Connection Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond  by Ginger Healy.  Released in early February, this workbook is filled with activities, strategies and reflections to dive deeper into helping students heal their nervous systems and improve their self-regulation. 

The Handbook of Trauma-Transformative Practice – Stephen Porges, Janise Mitchell, Joe Tucci and Edward Tronick, Editors.  This incredible resource for trauma-informed therapists and clinicians will be out in late February.  We can’t wait to read it.

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