Is the CTSS2019 Conference for Parents? No…and Yes!

Photo of Washington monument at night

Countless longtime members of ATN are parenting children severely impacted by early trauma. They may carry the painful memories of searching far and wide for trauma-informed resources, as do many who serve on ATN’s staff and board. Each year, members ask whether or not parents should attend ATN’s Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools (CTSS) Conference. The answer […]


Child with sensors on his head - Neurofeedback

More information to come. Meanwhile, check out these links to learn more: EEG Info  International Society for Neurofeedback and Research Neurofeedback at the Trauma Center Arleta James Blog on Neurofeedback  an article by Sebern Fisher MA , an attachment therapist who successfully uses neurofeedback in her practice. Neurofeedback: A Treatment for Reactive Attachment Disorder