One Year Ago

For over a year now, my son has been living in a residential treatment facility. One year of not being together for birthdays, Christmas, or Mother’s Day. One year of visits. One year of wondering what will happen next. One year of prayers. While I’ve written here and there about this experience (Residential Treatment: When […]
When Children with Mental Health Issues Are Violent
–by Sara Borgstede [originally published on the author’s own blog, The Holy Mess, on March 1, 2018.] Manager’s note: while many children who suffer from mental health issues never become violent, the tragic reality is, some do. A huge hug of gratitude for Sara for her courage in sharing one such story. Like most people […]
How to Get Residential Treatment for Your Child
–by Sara Borgstede [originally published on the author’s own blog, The Holy Mess, on October 7, 2017] No one gives birth or adopts a child with the hope that he or she will need residential treatment someday. Coming to the conclusion that your child needs care in a facility is an incredibly difficult, painful process […]
Bob Burroughs: School in an Attachment-Focused Residential Program
October 9, 2014 by: Lorraine Schneider This interview was part of ATNs Educating Traumatized Children Summit (Day 10). Bob Burroughs, PhD: School in an Attachment-Focused Residential Program First, do no harm. That’s what Bob Burroughs, head of the school at CALO says. We would all agree with him. Right? No one wants to harm our […]