ATN Announces New PD Collaborative

The Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN) is pleased to launch our Professional Development Collaborative (PD Collaborative), a highly talented group of trauma-informed educational experts available to provide PD training, consultation and support to school districts and organizations embarking on becoming trauma-informed. These professionals embody expertise in all facets of trauma-informed care and systems implementation including: […]
#TSS 2021–Thank You!

Thank you for the conference… This Mom can’t say thank you enough for the Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference in February 2021. What a great experience to join with others who are passionate about finding answers, having hard conversations, and learning heavy things. There is nothing worse than traveling a tough, unexpected road silently and alone. […]
The Re-Set Process

It began at TSS In February 2021, I had the honor of moderating Dyane Carrere’s session, “A New Way to Respond to Challenging Behavior: The Re-Set Process” at ATN’s virtual Trauma-Sensitive Schools (TSS) conference. Carrere’s approach to and heart for children from hard places impressed me. So much so, in fact, that I ordered her […]
Supporting Students and Staff After COVID-19

A new book for trauma-sensitive educators Returning to school this year has been stressful for school leaders, educators, families, and students, whether they’re engaged in face-to-face, distance, or hybrid learning. My new e-book Supporting Students and Staff After COVID-19 is a resource designed especially for administrators, teachers, instructional coaches, and support staff. It provides *right now* […]
Ingrid Cockhren, M.Ed.

Ingrid Cockhren, M.Ed knows first-hand how impactful trauma and toxic stress can be for children and families. Mrs. Cockhren has dedicated her professional life to investigating and educating the public about the link between early trauma, early adversity, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and possible negative outcomes across the lifespan. Mrs. Cockhren graduated from Tennessee State […]
Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.

Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is the author of the Bottom Line for Baby and co-author (with DanSiegel) of two New York Times Best Sellers —The Whole-Brain Child and No-DramaDiscipline — each of which has been translated into over fifty languages, as well as The YesBrain and The Power of Showing Up. She is the Founder and Executive […]
Of Hats and Children and This Coming August

So many hats… The teacher hat Like so many of you, I wear a number of “hats” every day. Since March, I’ve worn the teacher hat often. This isn’t foreign to me—I spent ten years in early childhood education—but being Teacher-Mom is a whole new classroom! Two of my students have autism. For them, communication […]
Trauma-Sensitive Learning Goes Online

by Dr. Ryan T. Woods for Respectful Ways When learning went online When the threat of COVID-19 arrived, schools responded quickly. Administrators hustled, principals made announcements, and teachers developed lesson plans. In a matter of days, students were learning from home. As any instructor knows, academic content represents just one facet of education. Developing social […]
Wisdom from a Virtual Schooling Mom

Blog Manager’s Note: I don’t know about you, but I know that I have lost count of how many days we’ve been under orders to “shelter in place.” Although absolutely necessary, this isn’t easy, especially as more and more states make the decision to close school doors for the rest of this academic year. Thankfully, […]
Akin, Trauma, and Mindfulness in School

A Mindfulness room gone wrong About a month ago, I read Emma Donoghue’s novel, Akin, the story of an unlikely duo, both touched by childhood trauma: an 11-year-old boy named Michael and his great-uncle, Noah. Michael’s father–Noah’s nephew–died of an overdose, while his mother is imprisoned for a drug-related offense. Overnight, Noah finds himself the […]