July 2016. Toni Hoy – trauma mama, incredible advocate and Advocacy Director of ATN – was recognized with the Outstanding NAMI Member Award at the National NAMI Conference in Denver this month. The Outstanding NAMI Member Award is the highest honor given by NAMI to a member in recognition of long and effective work toward accomplishing NAMI’s goals. Toni’s accomplishments include writing articles, working with legislators and holding various volunteer positions with mental health initiatives and state agencies, She has presented in multiple states on children’s mental health and trauma advocacy. She has received multiple awards, including the 2014 Angels in Adoption Congressional Award and the 2010 Family Defense Center Parent Advocacy Recognition Award. She served as a facilitator and NAMI Family Support state trainer. She helped draft and pass the Illinois Custody Relinquishment Prevention Act, which forms an interagency agreement between state agencies to intercept families who are not able to access funding for their children’s treatment and provides mental health treatment while preserving a child’s permanency. Toni is currently working with the U.S. Department of State on federal legislation to redirect federal funds for children’s mental health from the state child welfare agencies to the health and clinical state agencies.